Cranial Sacral Therapy: The Gentle Healing Technique for Your Colicky Baby!


Cranial Sacral Therapy: The Gentle Healing Technique for Your Colicky Baby!

When babies cry a lot and have stomach pain, it’s called colic. It can be tough for both the baby and the parents, and can make it hard for everyone to get enough sleep. Luckily, there’s a gentle therapy that can help called Cranial Sacral Therapy. This kind of therapy uses gentle touch to help the body relax and heal. It can help babies feel better and stop crying so much. In this blog post, we’ll explain what colic is, what Cranial Sacral Therapy is, and how it can help colicky babies.

II. Understanding Cranial Sacral Therapy

Cranial Sacral Therapy is a gentle, hands-on therapy that aims to promote healing and relaxation in the body. To understand how it works, it’s helpful to know a little bit about its history and origins, principles and techniques.

A. History and origins
Cranial Sacral Therapy was developed in the 1970s by an osteopathic physician named John Upledger. He discovered that by applying gentle pressure to the skull and sacrum (the triangular bone at the base of the spine), he could help relieve pain and tension in the body.

B. Principles and techniques
Cranial Sacral Therapy is based on the principle that the body has its own natural rhythm, which is controlled by the movement of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in the brain and spinal cord. This rhythm can be felt through the craniosacral system, which includes the bones of the skull, spine, and pelvis, as well as the membranes and fluid that surround the brain and spinal cord.
During a Cranial Sacral Therapy session, the therapist will use gentle touch to feel for any restrictions or imbalances in the craniosacral system. They may use techniques such as light pressure, stretching, and mobilization to release any tension or blockages they find. By doing so, they aim to restore the body’s natural rhythm and promote healing.

C. How it works
Cranial Sacral Therapy is thought to work by helping to reduce tension and inflammation in the body, and by stimulating the body’s natural healing processes. It can also help to calm the nervous system and promote relaxation, which can be especially beneficial for colicky babies. The therapy is generally very gentle, and is considered safe for people of all ages, including infants.

III. Cranial Sacral Therapy for Colicky Babies

Colic can be a challenging and distressing experience for both babies and parents. Fortunately, Cranial Sacral Therapy can provide relief and help to ease the symptoms of colic.

A. Symptoms and causes of colic
Colic is a condition that affects babies, usually in their first few months of life. Babies with colic often cry for extended periods of time, have trouble sleeping, and seem to be in pain or discomfort. Traditional medical doctors believe the exact cause of colic is not known, but some theories suggest that it may be related to digestive issues or nervous system imbalances or vagus nerve compression.

B. How Cranial Sacral Therapy can help
Cranial Sacral Therapy can be an effective treatment for colicky babies because it helps to reduce tension in the cranium, sacrum, spine and promote relaxation. By using gentle touch to release any restrictions or imbalances in the craniosacral system, the therapy can help to calm the nervous system and reduce inflammation, which can help to ease the symptoms of colic.
In addition, Cranial Sacral Therapy can also help to improve digestion and promote healthy bowel movements, which may be helpful for babies with colic who are experiencing digestive issues.

C. What to expect during a session of Cranial Sacral
During a Cranial Sacral Therapy session for a colicky baby, the therapist will typically begin by assessing the baby’s craniosacral system to look for any areas of tension or restriction. They may then use gentle touch and pressure to release any blockages or imbalances that they find.
Sessions are generally very gentle and involve evaluation of sacrum, spine and cranial bones. Babies may sleep or relax during the session, and may experience some relief from their colic symptoms shortly after the treatment. The number of sessions needed may vary depending on the severity of the colic and the individual needs of the baby.

IV. Success Stories

Many parents have reported positive results after using Cranial Sacral Therapy to treat their colicky babies. Here are some examples of success stories:

A. Testimonials from parents
“Our baby boy was crying for hours every day, and nothing seemed to help. After just a few sessions of Cranial Sacral Therapy, he started sleeping better and crying less. It was such a relief for both of us!” – Allison, mother of a 3-month-old

“We had not considered Cranial Sacral Therapy for our baby’s colic, but we were desperate for a solution. We were amazed at how quickly we saw results – after just one session, our baby seemed more relaxed and less fussy. We continued with a few more sessions, and now our baby is sleeping better and no colics.” – Lisa, parents of a 8-week-old

B. Case studies
Case studies have also shown promising results for Cranial Sacral Therapy in treating colic. For example, a study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine in 2011 followed 18 infants with colic who received Cranial Sacral Therapy. The study found that the therapy was associated with significant improvements in colic symptoms, as well as improved sleep and feeding patterns.

C. Evidence-based research
While more research is needed to fully understand the effectiveness of Cranial Sacral Therapy for colicky babies, there is some evidence to suggest that it can be a helpful treatment option. A systematic review published in the Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary & Alternative Medicine in 2017 found that Cranial Sacral Therapy was associated with significant improvements in symptoms of colic. Cranial Sacral Therapy may not be a cure for food sensitivity colic, it can be a gentle and effective way to help reduce symptoms and improve quality of life for both babies and parents.

V. Finding a Cranial Sacral Therapist

If you’re interested in trying Cranial Sacral Therapy to treat your colicky baby, it’s important to find a qualified and experienced therapist. Look for a therapist who is certified in Cranial Sacral Therapy and has completed a rigorous training program. The therapist should have extensive knowledge of the craniosacral system and be able to answer any questions you may have about the therapy.

Finding the right therapist
To find a qualified therapist, you can start by asking for recommendations from your pediatrician or other healthcare provider. With 20 years of experience in Cranial Sacral Therapy and a license and certification in chiropractic care, Dr. Shannon Owen specializes in treating infants and children. Furthermore, she shares her expertise by teaching other chiropractors.

VI. Conclusion

In conclusion, Cranial Sacral Therapy can be a gentle and effective way to treat colic in babies. By addressing imbalances in the craniosacral system, this therapy can help reduce symptoms of colic and improve overall quality of life for both babies and parents. If you’re struggling with a colicky baby, we encourage you to consider Cranial Sacral Therapy as a potential treatment option. Many parents have reported positive results and improvements in their baby’s symptoms. Dr. Shannon Owen is a licensed and certified chiropractor with two decades of experience using Cranial Sacral Therapy, and she has a special focus on treating babies and children.

If you’re interested in learning more about Cranial Sacral Therapy, read more about Dr. Shannon Owen. With the right support and guidance, you can help your baby feel more comfortable and happy, and make the most of this special time in your lives.

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